Sunday, December 16, 2012

Camel Smokeless Tobacco Ad

This ad's main goal is to tell smokers that they can simplify and enhance their tobacco experience by using Camel Smoke-Free Tobacco. It does this mainly by using the viewer's need to feel safe, and by providing a simple solution to the viewer's problem.

The most prominent appeal used in this ad is the need for safety. Any smoker who knows of the health detriments of smoking definitely feels anxious about his or her health. The main reason they do not act to change their actions, however, is the addictive property of tobacco. This ad tells tobacco users that they can be 'smoke-free' by using their product. This subconsciously makes people feel like they will be safer by using the product, as people usually talk about the health detriments of smoking and not tobacco use. It is true that smoke-free tobacco is healthier, but much of the health risk remains.

The ad also employs the simple solution appeal to make viewers want their product. It claims it will make tobacco consumption 'smoke-free, spit-free, and drama-free.' By doing this, it tries to make readers think that it is solving many of the problems with smoking with their product, but it is unlikely that many health risks come from the drama of smoking. The ad also compares its product with quitting tobacco. It offers an easy solution to the very difficult problem of quitting smoking. It targets people who are trying to quit smoking, but can't quite make it.

I really disliked this ad, because of what it tries to do to those who are quitting smoking. Weaning oneself financially and physiologically from tobacco is a very positive thing, and is done because of the obvious downsides to smoking. What this product is doing is offering a middle ground that will tempt many into remaining addicted, hurting their health and their wallets.

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